Ayahuasca & Huachuma Shamanic 6 days 2023

Shamanic retreat with 2x Ayahuasca ceremony & Huachuma (San Pedro)


* 15-20 August 2023 (max 20 participants)

Please download the intake form, fill it in and send it back to approve your participation.

♥ Re-Member who you Are ♥
Ayahuasca Shamanic 6 days retreat ( the Netherlands)
This is a 6 days retreat with shamanic rituals ( as breathwork, trance dance & soul retrieval ) and 2x Ayahuasca ceremonies, Hachuma (San Pedro) ceremony and integration day .
Max. 20 Participants in May and 30 in August. 

The Retreat:
We all have times that we feel lost…
Dis-Connected from whom we really are.
We feel all alone…and don’t dare to ask for help.
Still…we feel we need to make the break- trough .
To reach the beyond…of what limits us…
To be….ourselves

This is a 6 days transformation & Re-Connection retreat
which will bring you connecting with your spirit, and to be able to live the life that you deserve…
The life you meant to live.

Retreat elements:
♥  Breathwork & mandala drawing.
♥ Chakra Activation
♥ Soul Retrieval
♥ 2x Ayahuasca Ceremony with live healing sound journey.
♥ Hachuma (San Pedro) ceremony
♥ Sharing groups
♥ Nature Bathing -Nature Awareness walk.
♥ Integration day  & walk in nature .
( see information below)

Retreat : 999 euro ( all meals, tea, water included)

Lodge: in shared rooms (included)

Registration & payment:
( 199 euro registration fee, the rest  contact when arrival)
send email to Avi.beker@protonmail.com
of whatsapp: +31 6 24241006

registration 6 days retreat

registration fee to save your spot.


Paypal: https://paypal.me/avigdorbeker

or directly to bank : NL49 INGB 0705 2505 39 (add your name ans date retreat)
bic bank: INGBNL2A
name: A.Beker

what to bring:
♥ blanket or sleeping bag.
♥ towel
♥ easy cloths ( for breath session) & white cloths (for
♥ slippers & thick socks

email: Avi.beker@protonmail.com
or whatsapp: +31624241006

The retreat guided by Avigdor Beker and ICU team.
Shamanic rituals: Avi Beker & ICU team

Location: ( in nature)

the Netherlands

Breathwork (Avigdor & ICU Team )

” You are your own healer “
 Breathwork session is a powerful methode to self-exploration and healing.

In the process of breathing you are able to release stress, blokkades and trapped emotions.
It raise your energy, your self esteem and your well being.

The method invite you to lay down on a mat, to breath constantly  in and out from your mouth, and let the music guide you into a state of sub-consciousness where inner-healing take place.

Life Trauma’s, trapped emotions, birth trauma’s , womb trauma energy, past life issues – all  can be part of an session ( even that not all in the same time).

The body ( and spirit) knows to heal itself.
All its need is to 
A guide to support you

and to breath…

Chakra Activation:
Chakra Activation – a Journey to discover your Innermost Self
Your inner world is a mystical world, longing to reveal itself to you!

On this journey we move, breathe and dance, and – as we are guided by sounds and music – we let our senses guide us deeper and deeper into our beautiful selves.
We start to connect to that serpent-like energy at the base of our spine, our vital life force energy: Kundalini Shakti.
As we follow that energy, we will connect to each chakra along the way, from
base up to the crown, experiencing the elemental realities of each chakra – earth, water, fire, air, sound, light, and transcendent consciousness.
It is a movement meditation to experience the subtle energies in your body. You will get to know yourself in a different way, an expanded version of yourself, way beyond your body and mind… It will awaken new dimensions in your
spiritual journey.

Soul Retrieval
is a powerful shamanic ritual where we will find and embrace lost soul parts. The starting point is when we experience trauma, part of our vital essence separates from us to survive the experience by escaping the full impact of the pain.
Soul retrieval is about bringing back the peace of soul we lost…

For centuries, the indigenous tribes of the Amazon have used the sacred medicine Ayahuasca as a powerful tool for mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and awakening.
Ayahuasca is divine, sacred and magical. It teaches a deep respect for life and the world, facilitating personal healing and self-discovery far beyond the boundaries of conventional modern medicine. Indeed, it is believed that a single Ayahuasca session has the potential to be equally as effective as 10 years of psychotherapy or 3 years of meditation.

Huachuma (also known ass San Pedro)
Huachuma Cactus. Just like Ayahuasca, it is considered a sacred medicine within shamanic traditions.
Huachuma is seen as a “male” medicine, earthly, straightforward. He can be confronting but this will gradually be loving. He brings you back to your body, back to basics and helps you simplify your thoughts. He helps you to gain insight into the patterns that block you to your potential. He helps you to integrate all the lessons in your heart. He brings you back in contact with nature, to remember who you really are.

Integration: Qi Gong
After a journey with the medicine plant Ayahuasca, it is important to literally bring the acquired insights into the world. For this it is important to come back to the body and back on earth so that the transition to the normal world is as easy as possible. For this we offer a workshop with various exercises from among others the Qi gong. We are going in a gentle way to get our consciousness into our bodies, to align and strengthen our body energy. Afterwards you stand with both feet on the ground again so that you can fully focus on the integration of all the insights gained.

Locatie The Netherlands Openingstijden M-F: 9-20 weekends : 9-16
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